Neuromod+ Early Career Researcher (ECR) awards aim to support ECR training and development, encourage collaboration between Neuromod+ members, and further network research goals. We invite ECRs to apply for awards […]

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Neuromod+ Early Career Researcher (ECR) awards aim to support ECR training and development, encourage collaboration between Neuromod+ members, and further network research goals. We invite ECRs to apply for awards […]
Five original projects have been funded by Neuromod+ in our final call for feasibility studies. Mahnaz Arvaneh, Daniel Blackburn, Lise Sproson & Ismail Yussuf’s Bridging the Gap: Promoting Acceptance and […]
On 12th-13th Sept we held the UK Symposium on Neuromodulation and Neurotechnology in Nottingham, sponsored jointly by the EPSRC NeuroMod+ and CloseNIT networks. As well as fantastic plenary talks from Abby Russo, […]
We are delighted to have been able to award seven new projects in the latest Neuromod+ funding call. Projects cover varied topics, from acceptance of neurotechnology among ethnic minority communities, […]
The UK Dementia Research Institute is looking for healthy participants to join their study exploring the augmentation of attentional control using temporal interference (TI). As part of the UK Dementia Research Institute, we […]